KeyHelp Changelog Viewer

KeyHelp PHP Interpreter Applications Changelog (One-Click Installer) Operating System Scripts Expand records
Update 13 June 2024

Improvements / Changes

  • Updated scripts for KeyHelp 24.1
  • Updated Fail2Ban filters 'apache-common' and 'postfix' as they are broken in Fail2Ban versions < 1.1.0
  • Debian 10 -> 11 | Updated SnappyMail installation to Version 2.36.3
Update 02 April 2024

Fixes / Imperfections

  • Updated texts for event messages
Update 18 March 2024

Fixes / Imperfections

  • Debian 11 -> 12 | Updated the contents in logrotate.service and logrotate.timer
Update 09 February 2024

Improvements / Changes

  • Updated scripts for KeyHelp 24.0
  • Unified the installed PHP package list with the main installation routine
  • Implemented a Fail2Ban filter for MariaDB (Remote access)
  • Implemented a Fail2Ban filter for Snappymail
  • Debian 10 -> 11 | Updated SnappyMail installation to Version 2.33.0
  • Debian 10 -> 11 | Added updated anti-email-smuggling parameters in postfix
  • Debian 11 -> 12 | Ensured that python3-pyinotify is always installed (as it might be removed by the Debian package manager during the update)
  • Debian 11 -> 12 | Transferred the email black-/whitelist addresses to the rspamd system
Update 07 November 2023

Improvements / Changes

  • Debian 11 -> 12 | Make sure python3-systemd is always installed - It might be removed by the Debian package manager during the update
  • Debian 11 -> 12 | Make sure php-readline is always installed - It might be removed by the Debian package manager during the update

Fixes / Imperfections

  • Debian 11 -> 12 | Fixed that the Rspamd spam learning cron job was not activated when enabled
Update 01 November 2023
Update 23 October 2023
Update 04 October 2023
Update 08 May 2023
Update 24 January 2023
Update 21 October 2022
Update 19 October 2022
Update 11 October 2022
Update 10 October 2022